Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Things Discussed at the Meeting Today

Here is an overview of what went on at the meeting today:

Dues are due to Karew by Friday. They are $15 for returning members and $40 for new members.

We will be publishing the Beta Zeta at the end of this semester. Submissions are due by Friday, Nov 13th. The publication will be handed out the first week in December. Submissions can be sent to and can include anything from research to going-ons in the department to photos and articles.

If you would like a UND Geology polo shirt, please sign up in the office.

We allocated $100 to Karew and Matt for purchasing teaching kits so that we can start doing outreach in the schools. If you want to get more involved with this, email Karew at

Initiation has been postponed as its coordinator is injured.

SGE/AUG Water Park Night!

Beta Zeta Chapter and the Association for UND Geologists are all going to the CanadInn tonight (Oct 14) to swim at the water park at 7 pm. Cost is $5 with student ID.

Have an idea for something we can do as a group? Make a comment or send an email to

Monday, August 31, 2009

First Meeting of the Year!

Hello everyone!

The first SGE meeting of the year will be Wednesday, September 9th at noon in the AUG lounge in the basement of Leonard.

We will be talking about who will be going to GSA, as SGE can help fund transportation.

Hope to see you there!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Geology Museum Display Contest!

SGE is hosting a contest to get some new displays into our museum in the lobby of Leonard.

The prize is $100 for the winning team (up to three people) and they get to see their exhibit up for a whole year.

SGE and Faculty are looking for proposals now.  The top four proposals will actually get to build their display, and the top display wins the cash.

Proposals must include:
-An introduction to the goals of the display
-A description or drawing of the display
-What text/photos will be displayed
-What materials are needed, how you will get them, and if there is a cost.

Proposals are due to the geology office by March 27th!  Winners will be notified to start building their displays on April 2nd.

Any questions, let us know,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Aftermath of Today's Meeting

 A lot was discussed today:

Spring Newsletter:  The newsletter will be published the first week or second week in April.  This means submissions are due by April 1st.  Submissions can be anything related to the department, stories, interviews, pictures...etc.  We are planning on sending them to alumni as well this year.

SEM Sweatpants and Geology T-shirts:  SGE will be selling sweatpants for the school of engineering and mines.  They will be gray and will have "UND Engineering and Mines" down the leg.  We are having a design contest for geology t-shirts this year.  Submissions can be emailed to in .pdf format.  They can be back and front and one color.

Museum Display Contest:  SGE is also hosting a contest for students to design a display case and win $100.  Look for more information to come.

Initiation:  Initiation will be potluck style.  We are figuring out a date and location.

Spring Banquet: We have the art museum reserved for the banquet.  We need to still plan the menu.  Joe is working on getting a speaker.

Also, the first spring tour is on March 4th.  Volunteers are needed and can sign up in the office.

Stay classy Geology,

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Updates and Field Camp Scholarships

SGE met this past Wednesday, and discussed ordering geology t-shirts and having a corresponding design contest, producing SEM sweatpants, field camp scholarships, having a spring semester newsletter, and the display contest.

We will be checking on the costs of t-shirt printing for next meeting.

We will be going to BOSP to get funding for the newsletter.

Field camp scholarships are now open to those going to field camp this summer.  Applications can be found under "documents" on this site.  There will be two $250 scholarships awarded.  Applications will be due on April 1st.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Online survey results

Before break we had online nominations for officers and an online survey to get feedback about some questions, since we didn't have time for another meeting. Click here to read the official survey results.

Also, elections were held yesterday. The new officers are:

President: Matt Burton-Kelly
Vice President: Chase Christenson
Treasurer: Karew Shumaker
Secretary: Ashley Russell