Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Executive meeting notes

REMINDER: The next regular meeting will be next Wednesday, April 11th at noon in Leonard 110.

The weekly executive meeting was short and sweet. Here are some things that came out of it:

1. We have scheduled a movie night for next Wednesday at around 8. It should be happening in Leonard 100. Bring any geology movies you have and we'll vote on what to watch.
--To help out with this, contact Matt BK in Leonard 40 or
--Food $ will have to be voted on at the next regular meeting.

2. Marron needs as many photos as possible of geology students and study areas for the Spring Awards Banquet slideshow. If you have anything you want to send, her email address is, or visit her office in Leonard 6.

3. Matt BK made up a t-shirt design at CafePress. The demo shirt should be here by next week. The online store (and design) is located at
--We will need to vote on this design at the next regular meeting.

4. More tickets need to be sold for the Spring Awards Banquet. If you have not bought your tickets, BUY THEM NOW. The more people who attend this event, the more fun it will be.

5. Other discussion:
--Are we going to hold a 'mixer' to attract new members? Where and when will this be? Discuss at regular meeting.
--There was some confusion as to who is eligible to apply for field camp scholarships. The answers can be found below.

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