Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Things Discussed at the Meeting Today

Here is an overview of what went on at the meeting today:

Dues are due to Karew by Friday. They are $15 for returning members and $40 for new members.

We will be publishing the Beta Zeta at the end of this semester. Submissions are due by Friday, Nov 13th. The publication will be handed out the first week in December. Submissions can be sent to and can include anything from research to going-ons in the department to photos and articles.

If you would like a UND Geology polo shirt, please sign up in the office.

We allocated $100 to Karew and Matt for purchasing teaching kits so that we can start doing outreach in the schools. If you want to get more involved with this, email Karew at

Initiation has been postponed as its coordinator is injured.

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