The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13th, at 4:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, February 14th at NOON. If this time does not work for you, PLEASE contact one of the executive committee members or email
This Meeting time might be changing to better accommodate more of the members. Wednesday from 12 to 1 pm fits in all schedules better. Be watching for the new time and day change announcement
Sigma Gamma Epsilon is a national geoscience honor society. Beta Zeta chapter is made up of a combination of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of North Dakota. Although most of our members are in the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, the organization is open to any student who meets minimum coursework (not limited to geology courses) and academic record requirements and has an interest in the geosciences.
11. J. Mark Erickson: "The Dakota Isthmus - Dividing the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway" (UND GGE Alumnus, St. Lawrence University) 10/16/2008
10. Betsy Scharf: “Using Lacustrine Sediments to Investigate Patterns and Causes of Fire over the Past Millennium in the Columbia Basin, Washington, USA” (University of North Dakota) 4/17/2008
9. Jim Sorensen: “Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership Update” (Energy and Environmental Research Center) 4/3/2008
8. Vladmir Zivkovic: "The Saint Martin Impact Structure and its Relation to a Multiple Impact Event" (University of North Dakota) 2/21/2008
7. Jim Miller: "The Precambrian Research Center at the University of Minnesota Duluth - Preparing students for the growing boom in mineral exploration" (University of Minnesota, Duluth) 11/07/2007
6. Kenneth Lepper: "Lake Agassiz: Trigger man for the Younger Dryas or an innocent bystander?" (NDSU) 10/18/2007
5. Terry Bailey: "From Log-Slipping to 3D Workstations: The Changing Times in the Oil Industry" (UND GGE Alumnus, EERC) 09/20/2007
4. John Horner: "Why dinosaurs changed their stripes: How skull-shape changes dictate behavior." (Montana State University and Museum of the Rockies) 04/20/2007
3. Will Gosnold: "A new look at Geothermal Energy as an energy choice for the future." (UND GGE Chair) 03/22/2007
2. Jim Sorensen: "Potential for CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers and Oil Fields in the Plains Region of North America." (UND GGE Alumnus, EERC) 02/15/2007
1. J. Mark Erickson: "Ordovician Bryozoans: Putting the Pieces Back Together." (UND GGE Alumnus, St. Lawrence University) 01/11/2007
1 comment:
This Meeting time might be changing to better accommodate more of the members. Wednesday from 12 to 1 pm fits in all schedules better. Be watching for the new time and day change announcement
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