Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Vote on Options for the Scholarship Investment Account

On September 5th, SGE members voted on the future of the invested $11,500 to fund the scholarships given each year by SGE to field school attendees.  The four options for the money included:

    1) leave it in the current moneymarket account at 2.6% interest
    2) switch it to a six month CD for 3.75% interest, then revote in March
    3) switch it to a 12 month CD for 4.25% interest, then revote in a year
    4) pull it out of the school completely and invest it ourselves, but we lose our tax-exempt status.

SGE voted to place the invested money in a 6 month CD with an interest rate of 3.75%.  The transfer of funds should be finalized by 14 September, and the organization will have to revote on the placement of the money at the end of February or early March.


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