Friday, February 8, 2008

Another Design

I've fallen way behind on designs, but here's one I put together from what Matt Belobraydic wanted to see:

I rather like it.


Anonymous said...

I like it. Where would it be, back or front?

Anonymous said...

thank you to Matt B-K for putting my concept into a tangible design. I thought that this would be a good back design with University of North Dakota Geology and Geological Engineering Department some how put on the front. The GGE could be spelled out instead as well.

Matt BK said...

I was thinking this could go on the back with a small "University of North Dakota" on the pocket (or pocket area) on the front. What say ye?

And yeah, I forgot to put my name on the post.

Anonymous said...

I like both this and the Leonard Hall one. Darin